Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Fever

The weather is warming up here this week! I'm getting spring fever as there are only a couple more days to go until it is official.

Whew. Sigh. Of. Relief.

Pretty soon we'll be seeing lots of these popping up everywhere.

I feel like cleaning up and clearing out all kinds of things here at home. Closets, drawers, the basement, my office.

Getting things organized.

Then we'll also see these popping up everywhere, too.

By the time I get everything done Dear Hubby will have gone to a yard sale and brought more stuff home. He can't resist stopping at a good sale.

Then I'll have to start all over again.


Jill said...

Love the flowers! I'm so excited spring is right around the corner!

Dawn said...

Oh, how cool your hunbby stops at yard sales, I almost have to bribe mine!

Unknown said...

i can't wait for all the flowers to bloom! there are a few that have started, so those are nice. i'm going to be getting all my spring home decor out tonight!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jillian!! I haven't checked on you cuz I thought you'd stopped posting, but Dang It--you've been busy!! Oh, I love that sweet photo of you and The Infant Bebe! And I adore her age now--yes, it is a great stage!!

I just sat with my jaw dropped as I read your posts about your extensive journals!! Your mom must be busting her buttons with pride over you! The only thing I recall writing, as a child, was in my Dear Diary--and it was some really dumb stuff! You have always been a writer and YES you do need to write a book about the contents of your journals! I LOVE the changing covers they have--depending on the trends at the times! OMG--what time capsules you have there!

You're so great, Dana

MJ said...

I hope your dh goes yard sale shopping too! He's found some good stuff in the past!