Sure, the 4th of July means a backyard barbecue.

And a whole lot of this...
"My country tis of thee...sweet land of liberty...of thee I sing...land where my father's died...land of the pilgrims pride from every mountain side...Let freedom ring!"
Everyone knows this first line of the song. But did you know the last line?
"Our father's God to thee, author of liberty, to thee we sing. Long may our land be bright with freedom's holy light, protect us by thy might...great God our King!"
Something we have forgotten...somewhere between the Uncle Sam and the backyard barbecue.
Let us remember ...those who have fought for our freedom and the one who gave it to us in the first place.
Part of the ten commandments (Exodus 20) in The Bible states: "Thou shall have no other gods before me."
Our nation was built on that premise. We do not have to answer to any other king, tyranny, or ruler. God is our king. This is why the ten commandments have been seen in courthouses and communities across the nation. And slowly they're being taken away ... by people who don't remember (or care) what our country is based on.
What people fought for. And died for.
"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Take away God and we have become divisible.
Something to think about.
God Bless America!
Hugs, Lisa
Happy 4th of July!
Thanks, Lisa! Yes, God Bless America!
Hmmm... I don't know that song. God Bless America and your national anthem is familiar but not the one you included in your post! I may have to check that out!
PS: Happy 4th!
Have a great weekend!
Hello Jillian; What a beautiful post, I feel the same as you do, I could not have said it better. loved the photos...
Happy 4th
Happy 4th to you, Jillian, and your sweet family!! I loved this post and so agree with you.....I also enjoyed your previous post. I LOVED the way your projects turned out. I surprised my little grand girl tonight with blue and red Jello Jigglers Stars with mini-white marshmallows scattered on top (a Martha idea)....I'm a winner in HER book!!
L, Dana
Happy 4th of July! Lovely post and good point! I am so grateful to have been born in this great country and all the wonderful blessings that come from that.
Thanks for visiting my blog earlier today. Have a fabulous day today! :)
A wonderful tribute to Independence Day and Happy Birthday to your strong and free America!
Right on! We must continue to place God in the center!
This is beautiful and so true, have a blessed day!
Glory to God! God bless and have a great Sunday.
A great tribute to our Country and our Founding Fathers! Not enough of us remember how hard won our freedoms really are...all the men and women who have fought (and died) for our freedom. Thanks for your post today!
What a good post. Many people have fought and died for our freedom. It looks like we are going to have to fight to keep God in our nation. One consolation, no matter how much people try to kick him out he can stay here if he wants to. God is still in charge.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Jillian,
What an AWESOME post, Yes this Country was founded on God, and His principles and I am praying that we will come back to them.Thank you for sharing.
Wonderful, wonderful post. Thank you for posting.
Hi Jillian,
What a wonderful post! I agree wholeheartedly! Thanks for sharing it with us and have a lovely week.
i just did a post with this same premise...it's so sad how our country has forsaken God...and scary as well. we are headed down a very slippery slope!
thanks for your wonderful words.
have a great week...
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